What a crappy coverup ... !
2007-03-26 08:41:04
KUALA LUMPUR: Isu penyebaran gambar aksi panas yang dipercayai dihasilkan melalui teknik pertindihan imej (super-impose) membabitkan bekas peserta Akademi Fantasia 5 (AF5), Wan Nurul Zhana Wan Mohd Hamzan, 23, dikatakan menjadi punca peserta terbabit hilang konsentrasi hingga terpaksa menarik diri pada konsert pertama AF5 di Dewan Sivik Majlis Bandaraya Petaling Jaya (MBPJ), kelmarin.from : http://www.hmetro.com.my/Monday/BeritaUtama/20070319090407
ok heres the thing .. if u had seen the picture. Theres no way someone could find a exact body shape and does a super impose on it. And if the culprit who did it has a grudge against her and successfully got her out from AF5, heck, there are a lot more talented photoshopper out there who can just do another photoshop on everyone else and there will be no more AF5 ... this is just a coverup report .. and please .. dont use photoshopped as a reason, aka "super imposed" find a better reason la .... !