Geeks in da house at Vista Launch Lowyat
2007-02-04 17:09:29
So the day after lots of delay after switching from WINFS to whatever FS its using now and finally 3rd February 2007 World Wide Celebration of the newly launched Windows Vistaaaahhhh ... Yehahh Vistahhhhh ... Hahahhaha well i was there at the launch and Cape Town Clan did a performance and there were dragons flying around and party giveaways etc. lots of shit there here's are some photos from the scene.

Met a lot of people aslo here. Met Liew CF again .. Haha ! Suprising didnt see him at the blog meet as he is the so called 1st Malaysian Full Time Blogger right? Anyway met up with Tommy also and thanks to his mom to treat me coffebean sunrise ;) Thanks Aunty ! So the show ended around 9pm and hence after i left the vicinity and head to William with Choon Ming, Mir , Khalil. It was Mir's birthday. Happy Birhtday Mir !
What a tiring day. i was out for like since 12pm .. and got back home at 2am after William. Dang ! and look at how much i kena parking !!! FUCKKK !!! :