EMO (Everyone Mobile) - The first Malaysian iM
2006-05-23 10:48:22
Im proudly here to present you the 1st Malaysian iM (Instant Messenger) created by Malaysians by a company named N2N Connect. It was Tuesday 22nd of May 2006, i was wondering about Midvalley waiting for Menon to arrive for our Davinci movie at 2130 whilst i stumble upon the EMO booth and it got me all excited to hear that Malaysia finally got their own IM which has lots of future possibility of connecting friends thru mobile.It was sad to hear at first that they dont have a Palm OS version of the software. It can only run on palm under the JAVA emulation which means more processing power and slow performance and no multitasking. Normal nokia phones are able to run the software (no multitask), symbian nokia phones are able to multitask it, windows mobile currently have to use JVM also to run it. There's no native program for WM5 nor PALMOS and i doubt they're gonna come out one for PALMOS. WM5 maybe ... coz malaysian apparently are fans for the WinMobile enviroment.
Ive talked to the the tech person there at EMO booth (Don) and he told me about the future possibilities of emo. At the moment registered EMO users would only be able to connect with other EMO users, just like any other iM like YM or MSN. What EMO is trying to achieve is to be able to add Yahoo and MSN users to their list and people who have EMO accounts would be able to message their friends in YM or MSN and get replies from them without having to login into your yahoo account. It seems imposible when i think about it but thats what Don had told me..Apparently they are trying ot get a agreement contract with Yahoo or Msn or something. I dunno.
On top of that there's also gonna be a section where users can post their profile and put it on a public place to meet so that we can meet new people. Which lacks in most iM now adays. Unlike the old IRC days where everybody meets everybody in the chat room.
So with EMO you are able to connect on your phone using GPRS and chat all day long. You'd only have to pay for your GPRS connection which is about 1KB = 1cents. There's also a desktop version of it using JAVA Applet as well which connects to the EMO server. And like i said just now .. theres not even a native win32 application for it for the desktop PC either. It runs web based using JVM which is kinda sux coz u always close your browser and the program couldnt be running in backgroudn like YM and MSN.
Needless to say, this is their first attempt in getting it right. So far so good. 5000 users so far have registered, they've launched for 2 month now. A lot could be expanded in this iM. Here are my few suggestion for EMO :
1. Interface need to be improved. Chat window interface. Buddy list interface and font characters you're using. Need to be more YM alike ;)
2. Use more lively cartoons character and icons and background color (cyan ??) u kidding me ? Customizable background and etc. would be nice.
3. Try not to use JAVA to much (at early stage ok) soon try to expand AJAX on the web side of the application and native application for each operating system (palm os please :P) to increase performance. Sluggish performance turns off a lot of people in using it. We want prompt and fast respond. JAVA really is not the way to overcome sluggishness.
4. Oh my the sound notification. "drinnggg dringgg" anoyying. It doesnt have to drinnggg on me when im on the active window. Only on a inactive it should drinnggg..
5. Have some sort of a social pool concept where frens of frens of frens is expanded and that way its easy to meet new people ;)
I will keep on posting some new ideas i may have come upon iM. Needless to say that im excited about this new iM and its future posibilities though it would be nice if i would be apart of their development team, somebody hire me quick ! :P
To those who would like to try out this iM, the registration process is simple. All you have to do is click on this link:
EMO iM Registration / Login
You will see the EMO Applet loaded. Click on register and register as following :

Dont forget to add me as your referer with the user id as stated above. The more friends you have, the better chance for u to redeem your self an ipod nano or the new nokia twist. 150 friends for nano and 200 for the nokia twist. Try it out. Its not much at the moment but it will expand. There's no installation involve. Its all web based JAVA applet. So you can log in anywhere.
Till the next update on EMO. Sayonara !