Blu-ray Wins?

2005-05-11 08:14:49
Toshiba's decision to give way on the disk format was apparently made after examining cost issues related to the Sony technology. The merged format will make use of Sony's 0.1 millimeter Blu-ray disk technology with Toshiba's software in place for reading and writing from the disk and handling copyright protection. Toshiba's 0.6 millimeter HD-DVD disk technology will be dropped. The resulting technology will be offered as a new format. It's unclear at this point if the new format will adopt the Blu-ray or the HD-DVD name, or if something completely new will be used.

UPDATE : Toshiba denied the report, adding that no decision has been made on whether to unify competing next-generation DVD specs. Toshiba said the report that a unification agreement had been reached based on a 0.1-mm disc was erroneous.