Google toolbar speaks L33T !

2005-03-07 22:12:32
tHE g00GLe +0oL84r 1NcRE453$ J00r a81l1+y +0 FInd 1NPhORma+ioN fROM 4Nywher3 0N +EH WEB 4ND T4k35 0NlY S3CoNDs T0 1N$+@LL.
WH3n +EH G0O9le +00lB4r 15 in5+4lLeD, 1T 4uT0m@+iC4Lly 4PpE4r5 4L0n9 WI+h T3h iN+3rnEt 3XPl0R3r t00Lb4R. th1s m34n5 j00 C@n KwicKly @nD E451LY u$3 Go0gL3 +0 534RCh fR0M 4Ny WEb51+e l0C4T1ON, WiTHOut R3+uRnIN9 T0 TH3 9OO9LE HOMe P4Ge +o bE91n 4N0th3R 5E4rch

I didnt beleive it at first at when i click on the link its from google domain. Hehe its nice to see that google also has a sense of tech humor in their official sites ;)