
2005-02-16 17:03:19
Longggg wait for this episode. As the best drama series on the US right now desperate housewives is still full of mysterious events. Gabriel is still working as a model unfortunately as a bed model this time to support his husband Carlos who's still under house arrest (cam sopranos lak house arrest).

Mike was also shot in this episode while breaking an entry into some old guy's house. However he collapsed during a dinner with Susan becaue his wound stich came off.

Rex finally revealed his dark secret to Brie and Brie decided to get on with the kinky act with Rex. Also Martha's sister finnaly discovered that Mary Alice Young is Angela Forest (they were together in Utah) in a University or something. At the end of this episode, Lenette found that her kids stole something from Mike's garage, and remember on the previous episode Paul framed Mike by putting Marth's bracelet in Mike's garage ? Hah .. Lenette told Susan about it. And Susan was Freaked ! Till the next episode ...