
2005-02-04 21:53:46
HAhahahha padan muka Caleb kena heart attack masuk hospital.. he shouldnt have insulted Ryan in the first place. What does he has against Ryan anyway ? let it go Caleb. Sheshhh.. Anyway as predicted Marrisa jadi lesbo yeah. Giler ar Marrisa nieh, from every episode shes getting worse and worse. Not my fav girl character anymore. Summer seems better.

In this episode, there's also sign of Seth betraying Zack by stealing Summer back (tapi belom lagi la). Hahah kesian siot, dah la mamat tu tolong giler babi tok comic book Seth. Haihh kesian lak aku tgk dier.. tapi apa nak buat kan? Kalau dah inlovvveeee theres nothing u can do .. can u ? lolnesss enjoy watching oc 2x11 !