
2005-02-04 09:56:15
Continuing from last episod Alicia and Clark got married in Vegas ( is it legal btw ? do they have to file a divorce or something to be apart?). On this episode Clark's secret is finally revealed to someone not other than the obnoxious Chloe Sullivan.

It has been long smallville made special effect in their series, dulu time awal awal dulu there were alot of special effect which had really impressed me. On this episode there's one where Clark dengan penuh bergaya tangkap kereta terbalik. That was cool ;) heheheh however at that moment Chloe nampak Clark's special power. Hahah finally la kan someone in the main cast knew about Clark's power, apart from Lineal Luthor yang kita sendiri tak confirm sama da dier tau ke tak. Normally in smallville anyone who knew Clark's secret would die .. would Chloe die soon ? We'll find out ;)

I cant wait for the next episode ! In the beginning i already knew that it wasnt Alicia who attacked Lana and her bf.. because he material was different. Notice from the picture the material for the lunatic was a bit dull compared to Alicia's so there wasnt much suprise for me ;) anyway good episode. Can't wait to see how Chloe would react around Clark now. Oh btw.. Alicia mati ... hahah (spoiler .. saper soh baca ?? hahahahha)