PSP Button Blues

2005-02-02 01:08:29
In an interview with Nikkei Business Sony Computer Entertainment President Ken Kutaragi admitted that the square button (one of the four primary buttons typically used for actions along with triangle, circle and 'X') on the PSP is less responsive than the others. This is a result of the design and "something which users and game software developers will have to adapt to."

At fault is the location of the button right next to the edge of the display. It is too close to put the button's switch directly underneath it, so instead it has been located off to the right. This results in the reduced sensitivity of the button and in extreme cases the button sticking. Although Kutaragi stated that about 4800 units have been returned for this behavior, he insisted that it was not a design mistake and that the location was precisely according to specification.

me: wtf la kan ? sape nak beli psp camnieh ..